Zoo Med Forest Floor Bedding

Zoo Med is one of the best substrates for sulcata tortoise enclosures. Zoo Med Forest Floor is made of 100% cypress mulch.

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Provide a natural bedding for your sulcata tortoise. The Zoo Med Forest Floor substrate is made with 100% natural cypress mulch. Not all mulch is safe for tortoises, however cypress mulch is one of the best substrates for sulcatas.

Zoo Med Forest Floor is safe, chemical-free, enhances humidity, absorbs odors and long lasting.

All natural cypress mulch maintains humidity, provides a natural surface and is reusable. You can either toss the soiled cypress in your garden beds or compost, or you can “wash” cypress mulch and reuse. To wash mulch for your tortoise, soak the substrate in a big bucket of water (boil if you’re able). Then let it dry. Bake it in the oven to kill any parasites that may be living in the substrate.

Cypress mulch does not emit and oils like cedar or pine mulches. Just make sure that if you choose to use cypress mulch in your tortoise enclosure, you use an all-natural, unstained mulch.

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