Liquid Vitamins for Tortoises

Liquid Vitamins for Tortoises

Vitamins are essential for calcium absorption, growth, development and all the necessary functions of a healthy lifestyle. It’s important to add a vitamin supplement to your tortoises food about once a week. There are many vitamin supplements on the market, some come in a powder vitamin and others a liquid concentrate. Some tortoises don’t care for the powder supplements, so an alternative is a liquid vitamin.

Zilla Vitamin Supplement Spray

When serving your sulcata tortoise pellets or a plate of greens, spray Zilla vitamin spray about 15 seconds before serving. The mist contains Vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B12, D3, Niacin, Folic Acid and Vitamin A in the form of beta carotene. Make sure to shake the bottle well before spraying food.

zilla vitamin spray

REPTAID – Immune Support – for Reptiles

Reptaid is made for reptiles under 250 grams. However, for your larger, adult sulcata, you want to use Reptaid XL. Reptaid contains a blend of herbs designed to help support immunity and health. The supplement contains antioxidant that support to help the body fight free radicals, normal purification of foreign contaminates, respiratory functions, helps maintain eyes and mouth health, immune functions, promotes appetite and vitality.

reptaid immune support

Nature Zone Appetite Plus Reptile Concentrated Solution

Nature Zone appetite plus is a concentrated solution of Vitamin B12. Use this supplement to increase the appetite of finicky eaters or animals who are recovering from an illness or malnutrition. Studies show that Vitamin B12 will naturally stimulate the appetite in most vertebrates. Although, you want to be careful not over-supplement B12.

appetite plus supplement

Zilla Calcium Supplement Spray

Offer Zilla Calcium Food Spray one of two different ways. 1) Spray the supplement directly onto your sulcata tortoise’s food. 2) Directly give the tortoise a few drops in its mouth. If you have a tortoise that is exhibiting signs of a calcium deficiency, give the tortoise the liquid calcium directly per the directions.

zilla liquid calcium supplement

Fluker Labs Liquid Calcium Concentrated Supplement

Fluker’s liquid calcium is a high-quality liquid calcium supplement. For best results, add it drinking water. Pay close attention to the directions because this calcium supplement is highly concentrated.

flukers liquid calcium