Compressed Coconut Chip Substrate

Create a healthy habitat for your sulcata tortoise enclosure using ReptiChip coconut chip substrate. Similar to Coconut fiber, coconut chunks help humidity, create a natural environment and elicit natural behaviors for your indoor tortoise.

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ReptiChip Coconut Chip substrate is safe for sulcata enclosures. It has fantastic humidity retention for healthy shell health. Coconut chip substrate absorb odors and aid in waste breakdown. Plus, coconut chips are biodegradable.

Coconut Chip Substrate also has excellent drainage properties. The larger chips promote airflow and prevent excess moisture buildup, making it an ideal choice for species that require a drier environment. This ensures that your pet’s habitat remains at an optimal humidity level, supporting their overall well-being and health.

ReptiChip Coconut Chip Substrate is sustainable and earth-friendly, made from 100% coconut shells. It’s a renewable resource that allows you to create a natural habitat for your pets without compromising on your commitment to sustainability. Or toss the used chips into the garden.

Coconut chips are easy to clean and free of dirt. If you want to create a more blended substrate, combine coconut coir with the coconut chips.

Receive one compressed brick of coconut chip substrate that equals about 10 pounds of bedding for a sulcata enclosure. Add the compressed brick to a bucket of water, and the brick will absorb the water and expand. When ready to place in the enclosure, evenly spread the coconut chips across the enclosure. Create varied landscapes for your tortoise to safely climb and explore, encouraging natural behaviors and physical activity.

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